KnowledgeLifestyleThoughts & Poetry

Tendrils of Thought

Wisps of smoke twirling and dancing to meet the sky.

Whites, changing, mutating, till it’s one with the blue.

The push and the pulls of personalities, of achievements and ego’s, of friendship and love, of companionship, of comfort and of desire and the confusion.

There’s a gash in the sky, a standstill,a stifling silence.

A choking sensation wrecking the lungs, a dull pain in the pit, where does it go from here.

Where is it?

The promised Neverland.

How did this all happen.

A defeat which does not end.

A win, that the does not feel like a win.

The need to be patted and comforted and the utter disinterest of the world.

I open my eyes, looking over the top of laptop.

The smoke has dissipated, a variety of notes invade my ears, children laughing, dogs barking.

A lone truck, trundles down the road, and the chime of an email.

Anurag Agrawal is an avid travellor by passion and a Research Analyst by profession. Through his exponantial experiences and vivid thoughts, he shares with us his various mind blowing thoughts in poetic ways.

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