FitnessIndividualInspirational StoriesLifestyleWomen Empowerment


It’s NOW or NEVER – Weight Loss Myth is Over

Getting acceptance in society is very important for most of us. Whether the acceptance is for:

  • the work you do,
  • where or what you study,
  • your behavior,
  • attitude,
  • skin tone,
  • body type,
  • the way you look or,
  • how you carry yourself,
  • etc.

One of the worst out of all these is body-shaming.

“Hey Fatso” or “Hey Mr. / Miss Ugly”

Calling by names like “Abey Motey, Moti, Kaalu, Takle”

“Her belly is flashing and is looking so fatty”

“She all the time wears suits and is a nerd. She is a total Behanji”

All such words or even worst are part of body shaming. So, when people are judged negatively or receive negative remarks based on their:

  • Physical appearance,
  • body weight,
  • shape,
  • hair,
  • skin tone, etc.

is known as body shaming.

Most of the women in India face body-shaming during their school & college times or at their workplaces and even at their homes as well.

Today, we bring an inspirational story of

Kratika Singh

Kratika is working in the e-commerce industry and is a big-time Vegan foodie. Ans she loves almost all types of North Indian street foods, sweets, and chocolates. The side effect of being a foodie is, if you do not exercise or do not go through a controlled diet, then you ar tend to gain weight. This is what has happend to her as well.

Kratika gained more weight due to anxiety and hormonal changes in her body. Because of this overweight situation, she had to go through a lot, like:

• Forced to wear clothes from small size to large size,

• Low Self Confidence,

• Stops meeting or networking with people as much as possible,

• Suffered through Anxiety and depression,

• Getting body shamed by people around (known or unknown both),

• Feeling unhappy, depressed, full of anxiety and being complex most of the times and,

• Usually do stress eating because of this, which eventually increases more weight.

These conditions have also affected both her professional and personal life. She tried many a time to overcome this and tried to go for controlled diet and exercises and trying on the weighting machine multiple times. Though this pandemic situation turned out to be quite lucky for her as she got some time to focus on herself.


With a strong determination to get rid of this, she decided to consult a professional dietician, and luckily, she found one. The dietician was quite renowned and effective. With regard to that, she started started following the prescribed diet.

Initially, it was extremely difficult as someone is digging you out of your comfort zone. As Kratika already was a big-time foodie and to leave food or sugar was like next to hell for her, she still followed it religiously with all of her willpower & determination for 3 months without even cheating a day.

In the first quarter, the result was not as good as expected. She had merely lost only 3-4 kgs. Hence, she thought of giving up but some instinct pushed her further to go for it and that was the real turning point.

She called to herself “Ab nai to kabhi nai – Mujhe karna hi hai, chaahe kuch b ho” and then she followed it again and had lost a total of 12 kgs in the next 3 months.

Wow! That’s incredible!!

This weight loss therapy has helped her regain her self-confidence. She has started loving herself again. She started visiting and meeting people once again. People loved her back and started respecting her for who she is.

It is not a 3, 6, or 12month program and there is nothing called like a miracle.

Kratika said “I have realized that weight loss is a journey one has to follow. It is constant progress you have to follow every day. Also, whether you are fat or skinny, you must believe in yourself, love yourself the way you are, always follow your heart and rest everything falls in place automatically.

”Kudos! to a woman, who has been an inspiration for many throughout her professional and personal life and whatever the situation may be, she shows her strengths and never gives up.


  • Kratika

    Thanks for publishing!!

    • We found your story extremely inspirational.


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